- Introduction - Charter - Statutes - Steering Committee - Advisory Board - Member Organisations - Logos - Volunteer Opportunities
Choose your required size and resolution and right-click to download the file.
Regular logo:
810x410, 300dpi, tif, 223kb
300x152, 300dpi, jpg, 16kb
150x76, 72dpi, jpg, 7kb
115x58, 72dpi, jpg, 5kb
Member organisations:
This version of the logo can be used as a banner on the websites of World Carfree Network member organisations. Please make it link to http://www.worldcarfree.net.
UK version:

300x175, 300dpi, jpg, 16kb
150x87, 72dpi, jpg, 7kb
115x67, 72dpi, jpg, 5kb
US version:

300x175, 300dpi, jpg, 16kb
150x87, 72dpi, jpg, 7kb
115x67, 72dpi, jpg, 5kb
This version of the logo can be used as a banner on the websites of World Carfree Network projects. Please make it link to http://www.worldcarfree.net.

300x175, 300dpi, jpg, 16kb
150x87, 72dpi, jpg, 7kb
115x67, 72dpi, jpg, 5kb
...for people with official tastes:

300x175, 300dpi, jpg, 16kb
150x87, 72dpi, jpg, 7kb
115x67, 72dpi, jpg, 5kb