Global Steering Committee
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The Steering Committee of the global network provides vision in international strategic planning. It is composed of representatives from former member organisations (we no longer offer formal membership) as well as active individuals, to form a total of 7-13 full members, plus a number of observers. For inquiries or comments related to the overall work of the Steering Committee, please contact Simon Field (contact details below).
Are you interested in joining the SC? For further information on the work involved and how to apply for the position please see the SC description.
Steering Committee members with voting powers
Alexander Berthelsen is at heart a free public transport activist. Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden he started to work with the free public transport advocates in about five years ago. During that time has broaden their activities and now work with all kinds of questions related to making the transport sector in Stockholm climate smart and fair. Alexander has also been very active in the anti highway movement in Stockholm and has a passion for pop music, lobbying, Internets, urban planning, Marxist and feminist literature and dancing.
Back in Stockholm he worked as a web editor for the Stockholm County Council and has studied Economic History and Gender Studies. He finished his EVS (a one-year internship financed by the European Commission) career at WCN in August 2010, and continues to assist with Carbusters Online.
Languages: English, Swedish.
Term: until 2012 AGM or until further notice
Simon Maarfield is a transport planner based in Berlin, Germany. In 2007 he completed a Masters in Transport Planning and Policy at Newcastle University, England, where he was awarded the SDG Prize for Outstanding Achievement. His research project examined the use of economic instruments and personal carbon allowances to reduce carbon emissions from transport.
He is a founding member and treasurer of the British research and lobbying group Carfree UK, and was one of the organisers of the ninth Towards Carfree Cities conference, which came to York, England in 2010. He is a member of the Carbusters Online editorial committee and was actively involved in the development of a Carfree Area Pilot Project.
Languages: English, German
Term: until 2012 AGM or until further notice
Sam Fleet works in the Communications Team of Friends of the Earth Europe in Brussels, Belgium, which campaigns for sustainable and just societies and for the protection of the environment. He worked in the editorial collective of Carbusters for a year and a half, and continues his carfree campaigning on a smaller scale in Brussels - active in the local cycling scene, proud owner of a tall-bike, and editor and writer for the becarfree Be carfree blog with fellow ex-Carbuster Bas Ruyters.
Languages: English
Term: until 2012 AGM or until further notice
Faizan Jawed is an architect-writer-activist living in Delhi, India, and is interested in sustainable, equitable and appropriate development in the Global South. He works with a transport research and consultancy firm (iTrans P Ltd) based at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Faizan has been collaborating with NGOs, academics and activists on a local, national and international level to work on promoting sustainable transport especially non-motorized transport. Faizan also works as a Research Fellow with the Institute for Democracy and Sustainability (IDS), an NGO in New Delhi that works on links between transport, livelihood and sustainability.
Faizan was awarded the 2008 Royal Institute of British Architects Norman Foster Traveling Scholarship, which enabled him to travel across 12 countries in 3 continents researching the “Role that Public Transport & Carbon Neutral Mobility in Shaping Sustainable Humane Habitats”. He photographed and co-directed a documentary film “Just Wheels” along with Ashok Mundkur, which has helped further the debate on sustainable transport. Faizan co-founded the Open Bicycles Project Mumbai (OPBM) – a collaborative project aiming at working at the grassroots on sustainable, equitable transport in Mumbai.
On a day-to-day base, Faizan stays motor vehicle-lite and uses a bicycle for most of his daily commutes. He is a member of the recently formed National Cyclists Union of India and is involved in expanding it. He intends to pursue Masters in Urban Planning & Policy soon.
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu
Term: until 2013 AGM or until further notice
Luis Patricio lives in Curitiba, Brazil and works as a systems analyst and Aikido instructor for kids. Since 2003 he is involved with the Critical Mass local group he helped to create. He is also a founding member of the Cyclists Union of Brazil and the local NGO Grupo Transporte Humano.
Among the projects he helped to coordinate are: Curitiba Commuter’s Challenge, Curitiba Carfree Month and Free Transportation Program. These and other projects focus not only on sustainable mobility. They also support community building, fair/local trade, permaculture practices, and general energy savings. He and his wife are carfree citizens and they have a nice outdoor living room in their garage at home.
Languages: English, Portuguese, French
Term: until 2012 AGM or until further notice
Étienne von Bertrab is an independent researcher, lecturer (on Poltical Ecology) and activist in Mexico. He is a founding member of Ciudad para Todos - an organisation that advocates for a radical transformation in practices and policies regarding transportation as well as the access and appropriation of public space. Also a founding member of Consejo Ciudadano para la Movilidad Sustentable, a collective of organisations that aims to influence policy in the state of Jalisco. He is particularly interested in the links between democratic quality and sustainability and a firm believer on citizens as agents of change.
He is now back in London where he studied his MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development in 2003. Étienne joined the SC in July 2010 and is one of the organisers of the tenth Towards Carfree Cities Conference, which will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico, in September 2011.
Languages: English, Spanish
Term: until 2013 AGM or until further notice
Andrew Wheeldon is managing director of the Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) in South Africa. BEN's main mission, in partnership with ITDP and the Interface for Cycling Expertise (I-CE), is poverty alleviation by promoting the use of the bicycle, and also enhancing low-cost, non-motorised transport, reducing greenhouse emissions and improving health by linking exercise and mobility.
Successful projects include the distribution of bicycles through health care worker programs, schools and in corporate environments, and the establishment of independent bicycle dealers in disadvantaged areas.
Languages: English
Term: until 2012 AGM or until further notice
Steering Committee observers
Michael Hoag. Info coming soon
Languages: English
Term: until 2013 AGM or until further notice