World Carfree Day - Videos
Return of the Scorcher / We Are Traffic
(Ted White, 1992/1999, 28 min./50 min., DVD) Two classic biking movies now on one DVD, plus extra footage that didnt make into the documentaries. Available from the World Carfree Network resource centre via online purchase (credit card) or mailorder (cash/cheque).
Autoschreck (Car Fright)
(Roland Schraut, GER, 1994, 15 min.)
The car is taking over the city. Michael Hartmann refuses to bow to them, even to cars illegally parked on the sidewalk. Autoschreck is a documentary about a man committed to a mental hospital for being perfectly normal. He was just giving the cars a taste of their own medicine.
watch on-line [English - RealMedia]
download [English - RealMedia, 26MB]
Order "PAL" video from World Carfree Network: credit card - cash/cheque
Still We Ride
 (In Tandem Productions, 2005, 37 min., DVD)
This action-packed documentary is a glimpse into the shocking showdown between the monthly Critical Mass bike ride and New York City police in the months after the Republican National Convention in August 2004.
Available from World Carfree Network resource centre: credit card - cash/cheque
Watch the trailer!
Free online videos
A selection of videos availabe from online archives.
Street Films - assorted
An excellent collection of short films by New York based Street Films, a part of the Living Streets network/The Open Planning Project, a WCN member group. Check out: Block Summer Party, Bastille Day, PARKing Day, and many more.
link: Street Films
Proyecto Zoom in Spanish!
Straight from Lima, Peru, this dynamic group provies Spanish-language videos, covering themes of mobility and street reclaiming. For high quality video versions, get in touch with the Zoom headquarters
link: Proyecto Zoom
Urbanizer designer films
This Budapest based design firm has created snazzy and inspirational videos about Critical Mass in the Hungarian capital. Click on the orange bicycle (requires quicktime installed) Contact WCN staff for a hi-res version.
link: Urbanizer website
Destination Earth
(Sutherland Productions, sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, USA, 1956, 13 min.)
A martian goes to Earth to learn about the secret of transportation. Comedy ensues while he learns about oil-lubricated American greatness. Interesting mix of cute animation, conservative Cold War-era capitalist dogma, and narration so condescending it makes you cringe.
link: Prelinger Archive
In the Suburbs
(On Film, Inc., sponsored by Redbook Magazine, USA, 1957, 19 min.)
A priceless view of the socio-economic conditions which led to what we now have to live with - the malling of the world. It looks cute today, but for everyone who laments the passing of community in the wake of McWorld, this film chronicles the beginning of the end.
link: Prelinger Archive
The Commons: NewMob video libraries has several videos online.
Free online videos, hosted on YouTube: