Present: Kamila, Chris, Theo and Radka
- The ICC announces that it will cease the online survey it initiated two months ago.
- Theo will send on Friday the final response of the WCN to the EU's Green Paper on Urban Mobility.
- Kamila and Radka will start working on another survey of NESsT. Kamila, Radka and Theo will have a meeting with NESsT officials in Prague, Wednesday the 19th. Kamila, Radka, Theo and Christi will have a meeting on the evening of Tuesday the 18th to prepare for that.
- Kamila had a scheduled telephone interview on Tuesday the 11th with Andrea Hidalgo for the fund-raiser position. The applicant did not contact the ICC.
- Christi and Kamila will have an interview on the morning of Thursday the 13th with an applicant for the fund-raiser position.
- Radka had a meeting with Chris today about the Visegrad project. Chris will co-ordinate the Polish, Slovakian and Hungarian printing and distribution.
- After meeting our tax adviser, Radka announces that we can accept paid advertisements for Carbusters, as long as our income from them does not surpass 10,000 euro per year.
- Chris has contacted three like-minded magazines that are willing to do an ad-exchange. Work is under progress.
- The ICC is not ready to send to the SC as of yet the detailed job descriptions. These will be sent on beginning of April.
- The member organization Club der Autofreien der Schweiz (CAS) has expressed its intention to donate 800 Swiss Franks to the WCN.