PRESENT: Kamila, Chris, Theo, partly Sam
* Welcome new EVS volunteer Theo from Greece
* Bas is considered exEVS volunteer now
* Sam is still in Germany with his family recovering, but already trying to help as much as he can by emails
* Tanja and Sapi (candidates for our Fundraiser/Project coordinator open positions) will come to the office on Friday, Kamila will have an interview with them
* Theo is available for Greek-English translation, if you need some contact him on
* NEsST application will be sent tomorrow (original deadline)
* Chris is interested in helping with Visegrad Project, Kamila will have a meeting with him next week and discuss the possibilities
* Magazines are sent to subscribers, will be sent to distributors by the end of this week
1. CB Survey available for one more month?
* It might be good if the survey is available for one more
month so everybody that gets new issue can fill it.
DECISION (Sam involved in the decision too): yes, survey will be
available till 15th of March.
2. Street Conversion Design Contest Prizes
* According to 2 grant contracts we should spend more money
on prizes for the winners than what was announced. That happened
because we got the second grant after the prizes were announced.
Proposal is give all the winners the cash prizes plus 50 Euro
Resource Center voucher and 1 year CB subscription to all (even
to those that didnt win) and ask funders if we can spend
remaining money on other costs related to this project or prizes
for 2008 Design Contest. We discussed that with Randy in the
morning too.
DECISION (Sam involved): yes, prizes agreed as we need to inform
contestants about the details asap, Randy will inform them and
send email to funders (the only way how to contact them)
* KAMILA: exEVS Marialena Final Report
current EVS volunteers coordination
discussion with SC
discussion with Joel about financial situation
communication with EVS candidates, orgs and funder
communication with Fundraiser candidates
communication with CB distributors
liaison to Financial Manager and accountant
Cashbox and Cheques
General office tasks (mail, emails, web domains
* RADKA: everyday accounting
closing 2007 accounting
financial part of Final Reports for 2007
Administrative Grants
NEsST Application financial part, communication with
Visegrad project - coordination, communication with
* EVS VOLUNTEERS: magazine packing and mailing
Resource Center everyday tasks
compilation of survey results for NEsST
counting the RC stock for accounting
wikipedia entry
work on the next CB issue
checking info email address