World Carfree Network - ICC

HERE: Kamila, Arie, Steve, Steven, Vincent, Anna


We'll have arabic One less car stickers.

Kamila: next Friday free.

Arie: Joe wants Arie's movie and somebody can give it to him.

Kamila: polish group is still not paid. Maybe they will send a fax. If Ratka is not here, keep it end put it on Kamila's desk.

Kamila: Anna will be the responsable of the money while Kamila is not here.

The lawyer will check the Statuts to bring them to the Ministry.

Anna will be in Barcelona 4 to 13 September

Next week on Toulcuv Dvur will be this environmentalist conference. They will have presentation about european environmental laws...The fee is 20 euros. We can have a table there. Anna and Vincent will go there and take notes.


The new EVS

Only one cadidate speaks english. Interested in graphics and media and carfree issues. He'd start at the begining of December or January. WE TAKE HIM.

When do we need Roeland and Joao to come back?

Roeland should do the final report of Tabor. So he's coming back 15th. Joao should stay there until the end.

Carfree Day

Launch the czech cartoons on carfreeday after de Critical Mass. Please: tell Arie what we know about worldcarfree day in other cities in the world.

A college instructor comes with his students and he wants to talk with us. Steve talked to him, he will deal with it.

Page last modified on August 02, 2006, at 01:51 PM

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