bas and justin's last week in the office before istanbul
-printing new tshirts?
-anything and everything istanbul related
-letters from ec
-street conversion design contest
-dealing with members only section
-website updating
-prague (free) billboards
-cooking schedule
-we got ap grant, it will go to british accounting
youth in action project grants is not 100 % of eligible costs, so
applying for more cofinancing
-kamila takes friday off, bas left some prague distribution for cb,
bas gone from ca. 15 aug to 15 sept.
-kamila and christi will take care of resource center, kamila does it first two weeks, then christi will take over later
-will also take holiday for a week from 3rd september
-bas updated carbusters website, there was prob. with youth in action logo.
with updating front page, since no tables, have to be careful about not upsetting logos, so be careful with that, or we need to have logo and disclaimer in table.
-maybe marialena would still work on website from abroad. possibly we would need steve to find some files necessarily for marialena to make changes. he could do it from home.
randy updated homepage a bit, took some old things out and made it a bit shorter
what was there or sold last year? randy knows, magazines, stickers, leaflets, cartoons, small books, could have some table copy books
-new no car shirts to be printed before christmas, with the slash through it
letters from ec: for bogota, have to be paid something over 5000
euros. they said that nothing can be changed. also got a letter about financial report from biketour 06, and they want 3400, also no chances there to move expenses to other category. roeland spent money on fixed amounts, which cant be moved to other things
no flexibility in those categories, but overspending without
eligibility, means that money has to be paid back.
at some point in winter, might be in financial difficulties. sometimes people lending money, but right now, noone able to lend. we should look for people to lend or give money
network for social change deadline in october
we should try to get member orgs to raffle
festival events, getting them involved somehow
randy is paid until 15th of july, kamila says better until end of june or maximum of july. financially
street conversion design contest needs lots of outreach
christi will prepare something for the outreach, all of us will send it to where we know to
for billboards, we would be able to put up billboards, and we could put them up for cheap, discussing 10 billboards. michal was saying that maybe some money from visegrad fund could go to that. radka will look into whether visegrad fund could cover it. graphics are done, just have to be adapted for that. there will be a meeting about that next wednesday at 5