World Carfree Network - AGM2008

This Wiki section has been set up to allow network members (individuals and member organsations) to provide input leading up to the network's most important day of the year - the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will take place on 20 June in Portland, Oregon, USA, following the Towards Carfree Cities VIII conference.

For now there is a page for the agenda, another for proposals and a third for comments & opinions related to the agenda and the proposals.

The network statutes require a draft agenda 60 days before the AGM (20 April) and a final agenda 30 days before the AGM. After we have the final agenda including all proposals we will solicit the opinions of members who cannot physically attend in Portland, to make the AGM more inclusive.

- Randy Ghent, 17 April 2008

Meeting Agenda
AGM Proposals
Comments & Opinions

Page last modified on July 05, 2008, at 07:09 AM

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