
Mobility Justice Campaign - petition the European Parliament

Petition to the European Parliament
On request of the Clean Air Action Group, Budapest Hungary

The European Union is providing funding to environmentally unsustainable transport infrastructure projects in Hungary. In our opinion this contradicts the EU acquis. Thus we sent a complaint to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. As the situation is similar in practically all countries that receive EU aid, it would be very useful if respective NGOs would also send a petition to the EP complaining that similar financing in these countries is also against the provisions of the EU law (especially the sustainability criteria and the polluter pays principle). Therefore we would like to ask you to send a petition to the European Parliament. Though it will take only a few minutes, it could be a great help for our environment.

Please note that it would not be useful to say that a certain project (or certain projects) should not be implemented, because in this case the Petition Committee will probably reply that you should go through the national process of environmental impact assessment etc. Therefore we should only assert that the project should not be financed by the taxpayers of the European Union.

We propose that you send the text of the petition below (or a similar text). There is an online form by which you can send your petition.

Title of your petition: Supplement to the petition concerning the non-compliance of the EU aid to the Hungarian transport infrastructure with the community legislation (Reference Number: Petition 0621/2004)

Text of your petition: Having read about the petition filed by the Clean Air Action Group, we would like to call to your attention that we have remarked similar problems with EU aid to our country, too. In our opinion the decision of the European Commission to provide aid for road construction and maintenance in our country from EU funds contradicts the same parts of the EU legislation as described in the Petition 0621/2004. Therefore we request the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament to investigate the compliance of this Commission Decision with the EU acquis. In addition we request the Committee on Petitions to initiate that the European Parliament to take a stance on the matter of Cohesion Fund and ERDF funding in such cases.

(Add name, organisation, country at bottom)

Thank you.
András Lukács
Clean Air Action Group

Budapest, 02-01-2008

To read the full text of Clean Air Action Group's petition, click here
For more background information, a link to the petition and related documents, click here

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 This page was last updated 21 January 2008