Towards Carfree Cities IV
- Berlin 2004 - Introduction - Programme - Programme Details - Conference Speakers - List of presentations - Press Coverage - Video Night 
Towards Carfree Cities IV (held from July 19-24, 2004 at Humboldt University in Berlin) was a big success and very well attended, with 180 participants from four continents. We would like to thank everyone for their participation.
Facts, data, information:
- Find descriptions of the presentations on the Programme Details page.
- Towards Carfree Cities and carfree topics were reported on by Germany's TAZ newspaper (one article about the conference and one about Markus Heller's carfree project), Deutschlandfunk, and Berlin's Radio1 (Real Player - to skip the music, go to 1:10 min.).
- The bicycle tours of Berlin were especially well received.
- Several dozen participants of the 2004 Ecotopia Biketour joined us for the first three days of the conference.
- The conference was organised by World Carfree Network in partnership with BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), Green City, Autofrei Wohnen, autofrei leben!, ITDP Europe, UMKEHR, the Humboldt University Student Union, and
Special thanks to:
- The Humboldt University Student Union, especially Torben Reelfs, for finding us the conference facilities and accommodation space, and for organising the closing party, among other things.
- Markus Heller and Jason Kirkpatrick, for all their organisational work, plus all the helpful volunteers who donated their time, laptop computers, or digital projectors for the cause - notably Lucy Carew-Reid, Gabrielle Hermann, Jiri Jerabek, and Carlos Fehr.
- Green Horizon magazine of the Regional Environmental Centre, for providing free advertising coverage in their publication.
- BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), and Per Pedes for the use of their facilities and offices.
Conference sponsors: 1
Boell Berlin |
Czech-German Fund for the Future |
BSOe | Call-a-Bike |
Student Union HU |
Autofrei Wohnen |
Other conference partners: 2
Greencity |
autofrei leben! |
ITDP Europe | |
1 Supporting organisations are contributing a monetary or in-kind donation to the conference with a value of 500 EUR or more.
2 Partner organisations are significantly involved in the conference programme, outreach and organisation.